B RIEF NOTE ON THE DARLONG THARLAK KUT The Darlong of Tripura belonged to one among the many tribes within the Kuki-Chin-Mizo group. The people had simple livelihood twined in the orature maintaining ecological balance with their love for surrounding environment. The common men and women believe in the existence of soul in every natural object. Henceforth, the tribe was a animism in the pre-Christian period. Nonetheless, much has change with the advent Christianity and the consequent acceptance of the faith. The common men and women takes pride in associating themselves with the common ways of life lived led from day to day. One such act is the development of harvest festivals. In fact, observation of harvest festival (Kût) celebrating the joyous spirit of oneness essential in seeking blessings is also a historical practice among the Kuki-Chin-Mizo group. Thus, Chavang Kut in Kuki, Gangte, Zou, Vaiphei, Tavang Kut Simte in, Phavang Kût in Paite, Sikpuiroui Kut in Hmar, Chavan ...
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Glimpses of Darlong Youth Festival 2016 The festival, since its inception has been organized and uphold by the Young Darlong Association . It can famously be considered as the annual festival of the Darlong youth group. Nonetheless, the festival embraces and warm heartedly welcome participants from all ages irrespective of their family background. In fact, the festival is presently celebrated and participated with pride as a platform to showcase the tribe's individuality and self-consciousness of it ethnicity, tradition and cultural heritage in a homogenous surrounding. Showcase of traditional attires while dancing the folk dances such as Chemvel Lam, Fahrel Inkan, Vathu Indi, Riki Fachawi, Asial In Mo aki Azar and more.