The DHI has its own customary laws and an advisory board that help formulate and dictate the laws. The law does not allow any individual to approach the court without the consent of DHI. In fact, the DHI is the apex court of the people that dictate and make decision on all matters of it subject; inheritance, marriage, family dispute, abduction, theft, divorce, re-marriage, adultery, murder, orphan, dacoit, formation of organisation, et al. Thus, directory customary law consisted of twenty eight chapters with each chapter having not less than couple of clauses. The first chapter speaks about the power, duties, qualifications, resignation, election, dissolution, quota, formation and administration of the DHI while the second chapter speaks about how the apex court can form and dissolve a village council in every Darlong village, the qualifications of the council members, tenure, election, application of the council, duties and how a case can be pass on to the apex court through the...