DARLONG SULHNUNGȂ BUNG THAR Nirep 21/05/2024 han Pû Z.P Liana Whatsapp group ‘Chanchin Lawrkhawm’ hmangin ‘DARLONG ZOHNATHLAK INPUI’ tiin Darlong Inzomkhawmna om sai (DHI, YDA, DNI, DSU, DSCO, DSCS, etc.) chu pom loiin, ‘dawng suak angka maiin’ mȃni ‘Nû nih Pȃ’ kal khalin thû anin suȃ a chang. Ȋlei moh, khaw-lei moh…ȃikuangpȃ lei thaw’ pua hruaiin, intum ding zongin thlȃikhua hmang dingin inpuachanȃ lȃ-in an om. Mȃ hmunȃ zawnȃ om chu; i. Tûhei mo an chang? ii. Ȋ chem mo an nuarna san? iii. Mȋ tumochang helnȃ mai mo a chang? iv. Insawnsȃi chelloi khop thû om chu ȋmo? v. Êsêl intung...
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